Started at the time when Serbian philological periodicals were less diverse than today, the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies (until 1984 – Journal for Slavic Studies) has since its beginning been a journal for Slavic philology, while other areas of Slavic studies were less represented there, mainly in the chronicles of scientific life and scientific criticism. Within the Slavic philological issues in the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies special attention is paid to the topics of Slavic literatures and their study in the light of literary history, theory, interpretation, comparative studies, reception, but also to Slavic languages in isolation or in various forms of comparative, typological and contrastive studies. In addition, the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies motivates the research of Slavic literatures and languages in the context of Slavic and all other cultures with the use of diverse contemporary multidisciplinary and methodological approaches.

The gradual increase in the scope of the profile of the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies happened parallel to the changes in the Editorial Board, which was headed from 1970 until 1993 by academician Milorad Živančević, from 1993 until 1998 by Professor Miodrag Sibinović, and from 1998 until 2012 by Professor Predrag Piper. The addition to the Editorial Board of Slavists with complementary research interests should be an investment for a more complete representation of various branches of Slavic philology in the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies.

Since 2016 the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies has been indexed in the ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), since 2017 on the ESCI (Web of Science), since 2019 on the SCOPUS and since 2023 on the EBSCO list of journals, whose high system of quality and strict criteria assemble the most prestigious European journals in the field of social sciences and humanities.

From volume 1 to 43 dr Milorad Živančević, from volume 44 to 53dr Miodrag Sibinović, from volume 54 to 82 dr Predrag Piper, and since volume 83 dr Kornelija Ičin.

Technical secretary: Milena Kulić E-mail:

Address of the journal:

Matica srpska
Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku [Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies]
21000 Novi Sad
Matice srpske 1
Phone/fax 021 6622-726, phone 021 420-199, extension 132

Editorial Board of the Matica Srpska Journal for Slavic Studies

Marta Bjeletić, PhD, scientific advisor of the Institute for Serbian language of the SASA
Professor Zoran Đerić, PhD, professor of the Academy of Arts, University in Banja Luka, director of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad
Professor Kornelija Ičin, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
Professor Aleksandra Korda Petrović, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
Professor Ljudmila Popović, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
Ljubinko Radenković, PhD, corresponding member of the SASA, scientific advisor of the Institute for Balkan Studies of the SASA
Professor Dojčil Vojvodić, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad

Editorial Council

Professor John Ellis Bowlt, PhD, professor emeritus of the University of South California, director of the Institute of Modern Russian Culture (Los Angeles, USA)
Professor Hans Günther, PhD, professor emeritus of the Department of Slavic Studies of the University of Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany)
Academician Robert Hodel, PhD, professor of the University of Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
Academician Natalia Vasilevna Kornienko, PhD, scientific advisor of the Institute for World Literature of the RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Academician Luigi Magarotto, Phd, professor of the University Ca’ Foscari (Venezia, Italia)
Professor Shinichi Murata, PhD, professor of the Faculty of Foreign Studies of the University “Sofia” (Tokyo, Japan)
Professor Igor Pavlovich Smirnov, PhD, professor of the University of Konstanz (Kоnstanz, Germany)
Academician Andrei L’vovich Toporkov, PhD, scientific advisor of the Institute for World Literature of the RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Academician Anatolii Turilov, PhD, scientific advisor of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the RAS (Moscow, Russia)
Academician Boris Andreyevich Uspensky, PhD, professor of the University of Naples for Eastern Studies and the Director of the Laboratory for Linguosemiotic Research at the Faculty of Philology of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Naples, Italy – Моscow, Russia)
Professor Ronal Vroon, PhD, professor of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the University of California (Los Angeles, USA)
Professor Mikhail Yakovlevich Weiskopf, PhD, professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel)
Professor Willem Weststeijn, PhD, professor emeritus of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

 Author’s responsability
 Instructions for authors
 Procedure and rules for manuscript review
 Resolving disputable situations


book 106, year 2024.
book 105, year 2024.
book 104, year 2023.
book 103, year 2023.
book 102, year 2022.
book 101, year 2022.
book 100, year 2021.
book 99, year 2021.
book 98, year 2020.
book 97, year 2020.
book 96, year 2019.
book 95, year 2019.
book 94, year 2018.
book 93, year 2018.
book 92, year 2017.
book 91, year 2017.
book 90, year 2016.
book 89, year 2016.
book 88, year 2015.
book 87, year 2015.
book 86, year 2014.
book 85, year 2014.
book 84, year 2013.
book 83, year 2013.
book 82, year 2012.
book 81, year 2012.
book 80, year 2011.
book 79, year 2011.
book 78, year 2010.
book 77, year 2010.
book 76, year 2009.
book 75, year 2009.
book 74, year 2008.
book 73, year 2008.
book 71-72, year 2007.
book 70, year 2006.
book 69, year 2006.
book 68, year 2005.
book 67, year 2005.