Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian.
Каталог издања
(Srpski) Locus amoenus или Прича о дечкоњи и девојчурку
(Srpski) Косово на крају историје
(Srpski) Музика у животу Срба у 19. веку + ЦД
(Srpski) О српској књижевности и култури
(Srpski) Лексикон српске шаљиве периодике (1918-1941)
(Srpski) Речник српских говора Војводине, комплет 1-4
(Srpski) Улог ума человеческога (1808)
Journal History:
“Literary Links of Matica Srpska” is an English language publication of the Matica srpska founded in 2017. Valuable literary works of Serbian literature ought to be presented in a great variety of ways, thereby recognising different types of foreign readers the journal addresses as its target group. Such readers and their expectations should not be pandered rather a genuine creative dialogue should be established, based on a strong critical discourse. Hence, this journal highlights the ability to realise the diversity of the Serbian literature, the specifics of individual poetics and cultural codes, their valuable stratification and the generational and regional spans which are happily integrated within the unity of the Serbian literature.
Similarly to the concept of the “Letopis Matice srpske” Chronicle, the oldest European active literary journal founded as early as 1824, this journal contains the “Poetry and Fiction” column, whose texts depict the leading Serbian poets and prose writers. In the “Mirrors” column, the selected texts express the preparedness to face open questions and the specifics of Serbian culture, and the theoretically and methodologically innovative approaches to Serbian literature and culture. The “Testimonies” column presents various texts which indicate the specifics of the functioning of the Serbian literature in the social and cultural contexts. In addition, the short and precise texts in the “Review” column provide a review of a dozen of books which would be important to recommend to a foreign reader within the yearly output.
Each issue features around twenty different authors. Although of primarily literary character, the journal also handles the general matters of history, language, literature and similar disciplines. Therefore, the contributing authors are the eminent experts in these fields. On the other hand, the journal also provides an opportunity to young authors, who by means of their featured texts take their first steps in the world of science, literature, culture and art.
Publishing office:
Chief editor:
Ivan Negrisorac
Mihajlo Pantic,
Sasa Radojcic,
Zoran Paunovic
Publishing office secretary: Svetlana Milasinovic (email:
Editor: Mirjana Karanovic
Copyreader: Branislav Karanovic
Technical director: Vukica Tucakov
Web designer: Milan Sidjanski
Layout: Vladimir Vatic
Matica srpska
Matica Srpska Journal / “Literary Links of Matica Srpska”
Matica srpske 1
21000 Novi Sad
Telephone number: +381 21 6613 864, +381 21 420 199 line 112 fax number +381 21 528 901
Literary Links of Matica srpska, book 12-13, year 2023.
Literary Links of Matica srpska, book 10-11, year 2022.
Literary Links of Matica srpska, book 8-9, year 2021.
Literary Links of Matica srpska, book 6-7, year 2020.
Literary Links of Matica srpska, book 4-5, year 2019.
Literary Links of Matica srpska, book 2-3, year 2018.
Literary Links of Matica srpska, book 1, year 2017.