The Journal’s title and its layout

Home The Journal’s title and its layout

Since its first issue of October 1824, marked for the following year 1825, and throughout its nearly two centuries of existence, Letopis changed its title to some extent, with the largest number of such changes being the result of adapting its title to the unstable grammatical and orthographic norms of the Serbian language of the pre-Vuk era:

1824 — 1830

(Serbian Letopis)

1830 — 1834

(Serbian Letopis)

1837 — 1841

(New Serbian Letopis)

1842 — 1863

(Serbian Letopis)

1863 — 1866

(Serbian Letopis)

1867 — 1872

(Serbian Letopis)

since 1873 to the present day

(The Matica Srpska Letopis of)